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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Onlookers, usiseros, uzi

Everyday I commute to and from my office. And everyday I meet heavy traffic during the so-called rush hour as everyone and anyone rushes to get to their destinations at the same hour - 7:00am - to arrive at, well, 8:00am or earlier.

Heavy traffic is caused by several circumstances. First among them is, well, because there is a lot of traffic going on. :) too many cars, too small streets. And yes, that is the second cause, small streets and a large number of vehicles.

The more occasional cause is heavy rain. Slippery roads result in slower moving traffic.

Another reason can be surmised from the phrase "slippery road," accidents. Accidental contact between two vehicles results in blockage of the streets making the already small street much more constricted.

And accident as a cause of heavy traffic leads us to the next cause of traffic almost always linked road accidents - the onlookers or usiseros or 'uzis' as we call them in our country.

Onlookers of road accidents are curious drivers who slow down to see what happened in "ground zero." They start as irate drivers who hate heavy traffic because they are late. They then, upon passing the scene of the crime, turn to curious onlookers, replacing those before them, driving slower to get a good look at what happened keeping the slow pace of traffic that begins to extend further back. And they don't even care to stop and help. They just look.

These irate-drivers-turned-onlookers-who-don't-care-to-help will be replaced by more irate-drivers-turned-onlookers-who-don't-care-to-help until the cars who figured in an accident or collision are removed from the street thus continuing the cycle of that particular slow moving traffic.

So, the next time you pass by a road accident and you are one-who-don't-care-to-help, please don't even care to look and drive on and spare the rest of us the agony of becoming one of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. Sometimes the onlookers are the one who's making the traffic. Commonwealth ave. has been my everyday route since elementary so I have seen the worst of that, which by the way is known being "the killer avenue".

There were many accidents happening here and I'm always irritated with how people handle these things. After every accident, there would be hungry onlookers immediately gathered around the scene then talk how things happen, what were they doing before the accident, then rumors start to exist. Of course, many accidents happened in amid of the road so these onlookers, who by the way enjoys being the center of attraction since they have seen the accident and who doesn't do anything at all to immediately call for a help, is just a huge blockade clogging the wide road of commonwealth ave. That's why I hate onlookers.

As for me, It's not that I don't care, even if there's an accident I tend not to look because I can't do anything at all to help them. I just pray for them and hope that they will soon be ok. That's the best way, I think, I can help since I am in a bus.