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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Philippine government lifecycle

This is what I think the Philippine government life cycle looks like.

1. Person A gets elected.
2. Person B accuses Person A of cheating
2.1. Person A gets disqualified. Go to #6 or
2.2. Charges against Person A is dismissed. Go to #3
3. Person A takes office and goes about his job.
4. Person A is accused about whatever.
4.1. Person A gets convicted and removed from office. Go to #6
4.2. Person A is cleared of all charges. Go to #5
5. Person B continues to accuse or Person C accuses Person A of more charges. Go to #4. Or Person B and/or C gather supporters to call for the resignation of Person A.
5.1. Person A gets ousted. Go to #6
5.2. Person A remains in office. Go to #2
6. Person D gets to replace Person A by legal transition. Go to #2 and replace letters accordingly.
7. Come next election period. Persons A, B, and C run for office.
7.1. Person A gets reelected. Go to #2
7.2. Person B or C gets elected. Go to # 2 and replace the letters accordingly.

And this vicious cycle goes over and over and over again.

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