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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Give the benefit of the "daw"

The word "daw" is commonly used in the Philippines by tagalog speaking Pinoys.

"Daw," when added to verbs means "he/she claims or says" as a statement of fact by another person where the one narrating cannot be sure if true. Kumain daw means he said he ate. Pupunta daw means he said he will go there or he said he will come.

If used alone as a single word answer it means "that's what he/she/it/they claim or say." If asked, "Did he eat already?" the unsure response in one word will be "daw." This is sometimes said with a shrug showing uncertainty on the truth about what the third person said or claimed.

So, if you have friends who claim to have done something and you are not sure if it were true, give them the benefit of the "daw."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

MJ and the kids

My wife is a fan of Michael Jackson. She constantly surfs the 'net for photos and mostly videos about Michael Jackson. I'd even get last song syndrome just listening to the music.

While joining her in watching an interview with MJ on YouTube as he takes underprivileged children for a tour around Neverland, I came to a conclusion that his fascination with kids must have been triggered by his lack of "childhood" memories in his pre-teen years.

MJ has a railway with a two-coach train inside Neverland. His game room does not house adult game equipment but children's toys. He named the place based on Peter Pan's Never-Never-Land. He adores children and plays with them.

I think Michael Jackson is trying to live a youngsters life now that he has the time, the power, and the money to do so. As a child, he was always on rehearsals -- no time for play. He is like most of us who, when we are more capable, relive our youth.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Finding Nemo

Two Iloilo City cops in a station. The more senior one approached his subordinate to find out about an on-going investigation.

"Musta na finding nimo," asked the senior police officer.

"Wala pa ako ka kita bos," answered the PO2.

SPO: "Wala ka pa kakita? Nga-a man?"

PO1: "Wala man ako ka-renta pa DVD."

SPO: "DVD? Ano labot kang DVD?"

PO1: "Malantaw Finding Nemo."

SPO: "Ano lantawon mo sa DVD kay ara man sa report?"

PO1: "Sa report? Wala man sa report Finding Nemo?"

SPO: "Ano nga finding nakon? Finding nimo!"

PO1: "Ah, finding nakon gali. Abi ko Finding Nemo."

And so he showed the report to his superior and they discussed the merits of the case.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

I saw this video from Yahoo yesterday. It was posted 18 days ago.

Muscles aren't all that you need to be a real man.
