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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

MJ and the kids

My wife is a fan of Michael Jackson. She constantly surfs the 'net for photos and mostly videos about Michael Jackson. I'd even get last song syndrome just listening to the music.

While joining her in watching an interview with MJ on YouTube as he takes underprivileged children for a tour around Neverland, I came to a conclusion that his fascination with kids must have been triggered by his lack of "childhood" memories in his pre-teen years.

MJ has a railway with a two-coach train inside Neverland. His game room does not house adult game equipment but children's toys. He named the place based on Peter Pan's Never-Never-Land. He adores children and plays with them.

I think Michael Jackson is trying to live a youngsters life now that he has the time, the power, and the money to do so. As a child, he was always on rehearsals -- no time for play. He is like most of us who, when we are more capable, relive our youth.

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