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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Vegestables and animals

I want to present here my opinion, as an omnivore, on the most common reason why vegetarians do not eat meat -- animals are living, breathing creatures that need to be cared for.

Plants and animals have just about the same uses for man.

For years, animals had been raised for different purposes. Most are cared for as pets while some help in the farm as, for lack of words coming into mind and time for searching in the Internet, beasts of burden. And several others are raised for food -- chickens for their eggs and themselves, cows for their milk and themselves. While a few others are raised to for sports -- horses and dogs for racing, dogs for dog fights, cocks for cock fighting, pigs for fiesta games (where you put oil on the pig and try to catch it inside a muddy arena).

Same can be said for plants, in this case the vegestables. They are raised for various uses - medicine, decorations, and of course as food.

The difference between an animal and a plant is their chance at surviving. Animals can fight back or run away to avoid being eaten or try to be cute so they will be spared. But plants cannot do that. They cannot fight back or run away. While some plants have thorns or poisonous excretions, this can be overcome by a plant eater particularly the inventive man.

If we go by the reason for not eating animals I present earlier, then I can say that it is more cruel to feed on plants for they too are living and breathing (not in the audible manner of course) and because they cannot defend themselves.

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