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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Potty time - be sure to wake up early

How should someone ensure that he or she wakes up early?

1. The alarm clock. -if you have an alarm clock or an alarm on your mobile phone even, set it up to alert you at the time you want to wake up and voila! you are up! On the downside, one can get used to the sound and dismiss it as a dream and hold on to slumberland.

2. The television. -some televisions have wake-up functions. Simply set the time of the television to the time you currently have then set the television to turn on at the time you prefer. Some TV's allow users to indicate which channel the tv should tune in to when it turns on. I set mine to the MTV channel with volume at 30. It is a shattering waker-upper.

3. Sleep early. -our body clocks will wake us up after our usual sleeping period, say 6 hours. The bad thing is, sleeping at 8 might wake you up at 3. He he he.

4. Commit yourself to a blissful rest. -take a position, usually laid flat on your back, then concentrate to relax the whole part of your body. After all, sleep is the time when your body is in its resting mode. Unless you dream of something exciting, you will wake up to any alarm you set.

5. Make yourself uncomfortable. -this usually works during summers. This can be done in different ways: (1) Cool down your room to a comfortable temperature using your air conditioner. Just before you sleep, turn off the air conditioner and sleep. At around 4am, the room is warm enough to annoy you to wake up. (2) Turn on the electric fan but tilt it upwards to that the air only brushes you. Lie still until you get comfortable enough to sleep. At around 4am, you will get the same result as with the air conditioner... a sweaty annoying waker-upper. (3) Turn on the fan, this time allow the air to hit you directly. For analog timers, set the timer of your fan to shut down after the most number of hours, usually 2 hours. For digital timers, set the fan to turn off at least 1 hour before your planned waking time. All these will wake you up 100% annoyed, sweaty, and in bad temper. But hey, you are up and that is all that matters.

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

Sotes said...

One thing I learned about waking when I was in college: "It doesn't matter what time is your first class of the day, you're gonna have to sleep right through it anyway." hehe. I have read this before, but somehow I also learned this lesson first hand. :)