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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Potty time - gender equality

The best times to think about wild, crazy ideas is when we are having alone time in the toilet. Unless you have a paper or a book to keep you relaxed, potty time is one of the most serene times in our lives when we can come up with big things or solutions to our problems.

One of the ideas that propped up my mind during potty time is the concept of gender equality.

It is said that a woman alone is as capable as a man by himself.

That may be true for others but not for most women.

Below is an ugly graph comparing what I refer to as the "security barrier" of a man and a woman.

man - ####################

woman - ############

Alone, a man has a large security barrier around him for protection. And alone, a woman only has around 60% security barrier compared to a man. Please note that the percentages are just speculative and not actually based on some bad-assed study.

Now, together, this is the result:

man - ################
woman - ################

A man walking or in the presence of a woman unconsciously shares his security barrier with the woman creating an equality of strengths. This may lessen the man's barrier but it also increases the woman's leading to the conclusion that there is no equality in gender when each is alone but one exists when both are together.

That was why marriage, or any form of union of two beings, is among the most coveted practices around the world. A woman does not need to prove she can live alone to be on equal footing with a man. All she's got to do is marry him or have a relationship with him.

So, girls, what are you waiting for? Steal of the men's "security barrier."

Promote love and bring in gender equality.


celes said...

you've been sitting too long in the toilet bowl. get out. :P

kenni said...

yup. no wonder every time I get out my legs feel numb. :)