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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Chain of ideas - nuclear powered car

During my childhood days, I had conceptualized the construction of a nuclear powered car. All electronic, all automatic, all power.

My concept then is the creation of a compact fusion reactor. Heavy water is fed to the reactor chamber that is teeming with deuterium that will allow for sustainable fusion reaction. The deuterium is heated by multiple lasers focused at the center of the reactor sphere.

Heated water produced by the reaction is taken into a steam generator whose steam propels a steam trubine attached to a generator. This generator provides the power for the car and its on board electronics.

All these are in the hood of the car. Electric motors attached to the rear wheels move the car.

And this car is an example of something powered by water. Very abundant. Now being abused.

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