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To those who just want some laughs or look at crazy sh*t

Please read on. Leave some comments if you will. All these stuff are "theoretical." Some might be true and most are from my imagination.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Chain of ideas - world domination

During my younger years (I am NOT that old yet) I have imagined myself to be among the most powerful in the world. I thought of myself as a dictator... of the world... World domination was my goal.

After watching several cartoon shows about villains trying to take over the world, I came to realize that the same thing was my goal.

Using my grandfather's globe in his library, I began marking national capitals with masking tapes. I also attached several threads from our country to those world capitals as if marking paths for my invasion forces.

After that, I planned a time table for my conquest with centers of government first to come off. I was not planning on any nuclear strikes then but more on force vs force.

I then elaborately designed force delivery vehicles. I drew several retrofitted oil tankers, submarines, passenger luxury liners, and jumbo jets. All water vessels can deliver heavy equipment like tanks and biped robot gun platforms as well as air and land assault vehicles. The jumbo jets on the other hand can deliver paratroops as well as light assault vehicles from buggies to motorcycles.

These assault units are armed with various weapons from the usual rifles and pistols to energy blasters and nuclear fission munitions.

I even designed several exoskeletons to allow flight as well as wielding of energy weapons powered by micro nuclear power plants. These energy weapons utilize micro particle accelerators based on the cyclotron to those based on the betatron to propel its energy rounds.

If this were true, I would be king of the world!

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